Businesses - How can you help?
The carnival is the perfect opportunity for businesses and organisations to be part of a local community event which is attracting an ever-increasing number of visitors and gaining a reputation as one of the best rural carnivals around.
In order to make sure you have a presence at the carnival, the committee are urging local businesses, schools, youth groups and organisations to make contact and be part of this brilliant event. With visitors attending from all over, the carnival offers the perfect platform for businesses to gain new customers.
Just a few ways the Carnival can help are:
- Advertise in the carnival arena, offering prime exposure within the heart of the carnival,
- Sponsor - Can you help us with some of our costs - maybe with links to your business? e.g. vehicle hire, printing, banners,
- Have a stall and meet your customers face to face - prices unchanged from last year,
- Donate a prize towards The Big Raffle. These can be related to your business interests, e.g. half a day's work.
- Provide vehicles for transporting equipment.
Carnival organisers will be pleased to discuss other ways that can help support local businesses. Please contact us to discuss the way forward.